Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Got Smarter as I Got Skinnier

Have an item stuck in my craw today. Not sure if I should talk about it publicly. So if this is a bit cryptic, I'm sorry.

I work in a corporate environment for a Fortune 500 company. In a perfect world, I am judged on the quality of my work. My success is measured solely by my performance, in objective terms. Did I meet the goals I was given. Did I complete the tasks?

However, you and I both know that those concrete measurements are only part of the story. Much of my progress, my climb up the ladder, so to speak, is determined by the perceptions people have of me.

Have you ever been in a meeting with someone, or reported to someone, or had to work on a project with someone who you can tell just thinks you're kind of dumb? You meet them, talk to them, and they almost dismiss you ... instantly? You can tell they've formed an opinion of you before you even open your mouth.

I learned of a situation today where a person who treated me that way had recently "come around" and now thinks differently of me.

In other words, in this person's perception, I used to be a mediocre performer. And now I am much "better."

Here's what changed: My butt got smaller.

I didn't get smarter. My attitude didn't improve. The quality and quantity of my work didn't get better.

I wish that the world was fair and that we were all judged only on what is in our hearts and in our brains. But the cold hard truth is that the world judges all of us on many other things.

The way we look is one of them.

(And I hope you read this quickly, because I might chicken out and pull this post down.)

1 comment:

marthamac said...

You are so correct! Sadly, in our society, looks ARE everything! (well, they are SOMETHING) It's too bad it took this person a year to see the REAL you. They probably knew you were there, but weren't willing to see her. Very sad. Although, maybe as the 'new' you, you are more perceptive as well...which isn't all bad! :)