Friday, August 17, 2012

Words to Live By

Talking with someone who's beginning this journey yesterday and I was reminded of the beginning of my own.

There was so much I wanted to tell her, to share with her, to advise her on. And then I realized that  it sort of doesn't matter what I say. It matters what she says. To herself. To make her process work for her.

I don't know for sure, but I assume we all develop a few "mantras" that we replay over and over again in our heads to keep us on the right path. These are mine:

1. Do the right things often enough and good things happen.
2. It's simple math. If you eat fewer calories than you burn off, you lose weight. Period.
3. Your body is capable of doing much more than your mind thinks it can.
4. Your brain is the most difficult muscle to train.
5. This is a change you're making to make your life better. This is not a quick fix. It took a while to get this way and it will take a while to get to where you want to be.
6. It's a choice you have to make every day.
7. Nothing tastes as good as being healthier will feel.
8. I am worth it.
9. The workout IS the reward ... it's the gift you give to yourself.
10. If I can get downstairs (or outside) to START the workout, the rest of it is easy.
11. Yeah, I'm hungry. But I'm not going to die. I ate enough to nourish my body properly.
12. This isn't forever. I am going to have to follow the plan religiously for a while ... until I get where I need to be.
13. Yes, this all feels weird and scary right now. But soon the good things I'm doing will become habits and they will pay off. I just have to be patient.
14. Do the right things often enough and good things happen.
15. I can go a little farther.
16. I am worth it.
17. I want to be healthy
18. Do the right things often enough and good things happen.

What do you say to yourself? (Amber, "I'm sexy and I know it" totally counts.)

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